Sunway Medical Centre Velocity (SMCV) offers a variety of scope services including Gastroscopy, Colonoscopy and Cystoscopy.

Gastroscopy is a non-surgical procedure to examine the digestive tract by inserting an Endoscope, a thin tube with an attached camera at the tip, through the mouth. This helps doctors conduct a thorough examination to diagnose digestive problems or the cause of pain.

Colonoscopy is a non-surgical procedure to detect changes in the large intestine and rectum using a Colonoscope with a tiny camera at the tip of a thin tube inserted through the rectum.

Cystoscopy is a non-surgical procedure to examine the bladder by inserting a thin tube with a tiny camera at the tip through the urethra. Cystoscopy conducted by the Consultant Urologist, will help diagnose disorders or cause of discomfort in the bladder. 

Cases for inpatient and outpatient procedures have to be referred either by the hospital's consultants or participating GPs.