Services Offered:
•    Acute surgical conditions 
•    Medical emergencies 
•    Sports injuries
•    Trauma/accident injuries 
•    Other emergencies
•    24-hour pharmacy services 
•    24-hour laboratory (blood test) services 
•    24-hour imaging services (X ray, CT scan etc)

Facilities Available at the Unit:
Our A&E Department operates 24 -hour services supported by multidisciplinary sub-specialists to provide emergency treatment. We carry out 24 -hour services comprising:
•    Blood tests with rapid result especially influenza and dengue tests
•    Diagnostic imaging e.g. X-ray, CT scan, MRI
•    Ambulance transportation
•    Stabilization and channelling of heart attack cases to catheterization laboratory
•    Stabilization and channelling of acute surgical cases to operation theatre

Contact info:

Emergency Hotline Number 03-97729111